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Skimmers and AutoFills
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In the USA

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Standard and Bonded models can now be ordered with a Fill-Lid.
Standard Model
Part # SKR1xx
Flow Star® Standard Skimmer with Water Stop Face
The SKR1xxx can be ordered in these additional configurations. The part numbers given are standard, see product page for more custom ordering options.

9'' Ultra Basket
Water Bonded
4'' Socket
6'' Socket

Part # FL10xxx
Fill-Lid 10'' Fillable Standard Skimmer and Autofill Cover
- The Fill-Lid is a unique fillable lid that will make your skimmer or autofill cover virtually disappear with any deck finish.
- Includes an adjustable frame, plaster shield, and strong internal tabs to keep the deck finish in place.
- Fits AquaStar’s skimmers and autofills, and most other manufacturers standard skimmers.

Standard and Bonded models can now be ordered with a Fill-Lid.
Standard Model
Part # SKR2xx
Flow Star® Standard Skimmer with Flush Face
The SKR2xx can be ordered in these additional configurations. The part numbers given are standard, see product page for more custom ordering options.

9'' Ultra Basket
Water Bonded
4'' Socket
6'' Socket

Fill Star Autofill can now be ordered with a Fill-Lid Cover
Part # AFBxxx
FillStar™ Water Level Control System for Pools and Spas
The FillStar water leveler control system maintains constant and consistent water level in a pool or spa.
Constant changes in water level can cause damage to your pool equipment. The easy to install FillStar reduces the need for continuous water monitoring.
The Fill Star features an ABS body and pre-glued PVC connections, transition glue is not required. It has a overflow port with a 1/2'' cap, and also the top lid matches our standard skimmer lid.

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